Pori National Urban Park

Urban oasis and nature in the middle of the city.

Do you long for events, music and culture around you? Feeling jazzy? Interested in the talks of SuomiAreena? Would you like to pop or rock in Kirjurinluoto? Or is silence and the peace of nature your thing? Are you taking dogs or golf clubs for a walk? Breaking a sweat by jogging? Or would you rather sit on a picnic blanket, enjoying a relaxing atmosphere in a lush setting? Interested in architecture and history? Or would you like to take your child to the best play park in Finland? Want to enjoy birdsong and smell flowers? Of would a game of ice hockey be your choice? Would you like to cycle across the city along a green corridor? Would you fancy refreshing in the riverside landscapes of the old cotton mill in the middle of shopping? What do the classicistic town houses of the highly valued Kivi-Pori shore blocks look like from a boat or canoe on the river Kokemäenjoki? What about the 2018 Housing Fair area?

In the urban park, you can enjoy urban events, architecture, history, parks, outdoor activities, nature and art. KirjurinluotoPelle Hermanni ParkVihertietokeskus Garden ParkEtelärantaPuuvillanpuistoKalafornia golf courseRaatihuoneenpuisto parkPori Art MuseumSatakunta Museum, Ark Nature CentrePori TheatreJuselius’ Mausoleum, sports centre, open-air swimming pool, Isomäki Areena and the Porinmetsän recreational area as well as many other top Pori locations are part of the National Urban Park.

Contact information

  • Visiting address: Kirjurinluodontie
  • Post address: 28100 Pori