
Tourist information Visit Pori

Visit Pori tourist information locates in Porin Leijona, Yrjönkatu 6.

Opening hours: check here

tel. +358 2 621 7900

Tourist information point Satakunta Museum

Satakunta Museum acts as a tourist information point alongside Visit Pori. The museum provides both tourist information and Pori branded products.

Opening hours: check here

Hallituskatu 11, 28100 Pori
tel. +358 2 621 1063

Tourist information point Yyteri visitor centre

Yyteri visitor centre acts as a tourist information point alongside Visit Pori. The visitor centre provides both tourist information and Pori branded products at the Yyteri Shop. The centre also showcases the unique nature in the area.

Opening hours: check here

Kortejärventie 1, 28840 Pori
tel. +358 24 790 2075

Tourist information point Pori Art Museum

Pori Art Museum acts as a tourist information point alongside Visit Pori. The museum provides both tourist information and Pori branded products.

Opening hours: check here

Eteläranta, 28100 Pori
tel. +358 44 701 1080