The Karhuluoto Circuit is a designated trail for mountain biking in Yyteri. It is also possible to bike on the Munakari Circuit.

Cycling is allowed in Yyteri
- Especially on the Karhuluodon kierros and Munakarin kierros trails, which are intended for mountain biking.
- On forest tracks and paths. You can also cycle on the Santojen lenkki, the Huikee reitti, the Keisarin kierros and the Golfpolku. You must not deviate from the trails.
- See the map of the trails suitable for cycling here.
- Permission to deviate from the preservation orders (see map) has been obtained for cycling on the Yyteri shoreline (surf beach car park – Munakari spit) near the water’s edge. There are five different exits from the water’s edge, but bikes must be walked on the boardwalk. The derogation also applies to the Emperor’s Bank area (the path between Huikee and Yyteri Square at the top of the dunes).
- The beach area can be exited and accessed via five access points. The access points are the Surf Beach car park, the Yyteri Hotel & Spa, the main boardwalk, the Yyteri Beach area and the Munakari.
- During the summer, bikes are also walked at the water’s edge, where swimmers and children move around. Cyclists always give way to other people enjoying the outdoors.
- Check out the official mountain bike routes in Yyteri:
Cycling is prohibited
- In the dune area and elsewhere on the sand.
- Over beach grasses.
- On boardwalks and footbridges leading to the beach, where bicycles must be walked at all times.
- See map of the restricted area.
Cycle smart in the nature
Thanks to freedom to roam or “every man’s right”, we have great opportunities to cycle in our beautiful countryside. Cycling is allowed in the countryside, except in yards and areas that can be damaged by walking.
The open dune area of the Yyteri sands is the largest and still active continuous dune area in southern Finland and therefore one of the most important sites for the protection of endangered dune habitats in Finland. The area is part of the Natura 2000 network and is also partly a protected nature reserve, where every man’s rights are restricted by conservation orders to protect the valuable nature. Neither bird nesting nor animals may be disturbed.
Temporary derogation
The ELY Centre of Southwest Finland has granted the City of Pori a temporary two-year permit for mountain biking in Yyteri, subject to certain conditions and restrictions. The temporary permit can be withdrawn if cycling in Yyteri takes place outside the designated routes.
Please cycle responsibly to ensure that Yyteri’s magnificent dune area is preserved for posterity to admire. Thank you!